Wednesday, 9 October 2013

New Treatment for Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

I have recently become certified as a licensed practitioner of the Niel-Asher Technique.  Niel-Asher Technique providers can be found at I am currently the only practitioner in Merseyside who has completed the licencing and certification training for this new treatment.

The Niel-Asher Technique is used for treating various shoulder problems. A clinical trial was carried out at the Addenbrookes Hospital and the results were published in the British Journal of Rheumatology. Patients were allocated to one of three groups; Physiotherapy, Niel-Asher Technique or a placebo group. The study found that after nine weeks, patients treated with the Niel-Asher Technique had more than twice the improvement in shoulder mobility than patients in the other two groups. Additionally the improvement in reported pain level was nearly twice as good in the Niel-Asher Technique group.

The technique was developed to treat patients with damaged shoulders. Recently it has been realised that it can also be used to help sports people and others who rely on good shoulder function to improve power and accuracy in the incredibly complex shoulder joints. Golfers have found this particularly beneficial.

You can watch a short video about the Niel-Asher Technique below.